Unforeseen circumstances can at times seem to “put a spanner in the works” for wedding couples! Here’s an example:
The celebrant you had booked for your wedding is unable to fulfill their commitment to you due to ill health…or maybe mistakenly double booked! So what happens now since that celebrant had commenced your legal paperwork? It’s actually not as serious as you may think. However, it is the responsibility of the first celebrant to ensure that the Notice of Intended Marriage is transferred, safely, by hand or registered post, to the second celebrant. The couple may still have to pay the first celebrant any outstanding fees or charges, but other than that, “it’s business as usual”!
As a Wedding Celebrant here on the Gold Coast, I do everything I can do to be reliable and ensure a smooth journey for my couples, and if possible, make myself available to “step in” if necessary and help in whatever way I can!